Sustainability Payoff
Increasing awareness of climate change impact within societies have reached the investment industry. This new demand on sustainability forces “real-economy” companies to position themselves and to report on their progress towards minimizing their detrimental impact on the environment as well as on societies. As a consulting firm we offer both, strategic advice and hands on operational support to our clients.
ESG Sustainability Reporting
We help organizations to maneuver within the new requirements and craft initial ESG-reports, typically within a few weeks project and focused interactions with subject matter experts minimizing their precious time.
Since 2017, we work with the very pragmatic, though holistic approach of the German Sustainability Code, that is
- very pragmatic and focused in concentrating only on those aspects that are key to the reporting organization and its stakeholders
- compatible to regulatory requirements such as the EU Directive on Non-Financial Reporting, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), EU Taxonomy, and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichten-Gesetz)
- Picks up core aspects from incumbent and widely accepted technical standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS)
- Complies with the reporting requirements being cascaded down to an increasing number of companies by size / revenue, starting 2023, within the next few years.
We are a fully recognized trainings partner of the German Sustainability Code and as such provide consulting, coaching and training both inhouse and open. Learn more

ESG Maturity Assessment
Often, organizations know that they want to do “something” about sustainability for many reasons such as
- Better alignment to the organization’s vision
- Better attractiveness for all stakeholders ranging from customers to employers
- Simply: a requirement within the value chain, as regulations and business customers may request ESG to be considered
- Generating economic contributions with increasing Greenhouse Gas Emission costs such as taxes or CO2 eq certificates
- Better reputation
Though, change is hard, and the ultimate question is: Where to start?
We often hear from clients: “We are not ready yet…”
We help with pragmatic approach to identifying the adequate starting point and potential quick wins.

The proven and very efficient approach comprises:
Identification of relevant ESG topics ⇒Heatmap
Data gathering online survey
Analysis and prioritization
Qualitative interviews: Incl. external perspectives (Scope 3)
Validation sustainability concept
GO / NO GO Decision
Implementation of the ESG-concept
For higher efficiency, we suggest an agile working mode with biweekly client-participating reviews on predefined deliverables and flexible agile contract. This enables quick feedback and adjustments as necessary.
In other words, the typical approach is
Structured and focus (cost)-efficient approach
Delivering tangible results continuously
Low risk, as the agile contract ensures required skill capacity and allows for adjustments as required. Learn More
Sustainable (Green) Energy Solutions
Energy is crucial for life, as is for businesses. Geopolitical fragility shows how dependent societies are on affordable and stable energy supply. With the global climate crisis, the overarching challenge is to enable the above in a climate supporting, harmless way with renewable sources.
Our support comprises
- Identification of current energy consumption and related Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
- Projection of future energy needs, based on tangible process improvements
- Identification of alternative energy sourcing (e.g. hydrogen, thermal, solar, wind, water)
- Configuration and independent business case development
- Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) according to ISO 14040/14044 Learn More
How does Sustainable (Green) Energy Solutions work for me?
In a direct (remote and free of charge) INITIATION SESSION (1h) we will discuss your objectives, scope, and context.
Depending on your needs and your own capabilities, we will provide you a support concept that fit neatly into your approach. It may comprise just specific technical questions or up to full orchestrating the energy transformation which typically comprises
- Baselining of specific issues
- Setting objective on new energy solution
- Concept development and configuration
- Vendor / builder screening and shortlisting
- Implementation supervision
For higher efficiency, we suggest an agile working mode with biweekly client-participating reviews on predefined deliverables and flexible agile contract. This enables quick feedback and adjustments as necessary.
In other words, the typical approach is
- Scaled to your real needs
- Delivering tangible results continuously
Low risk, as the agile contract ensures required skill capacity and allows for adjustments as required.